College Group
The primary focus of this group is to be “iron sharpening iron” for college age students and young adults. It is a crucial time that is very important for young adults trying to stay on course with Christ in the depraved world we live in.
We meet on various Wednesday nights at the Dailey’s home for a meal, the Word of God, encouragement, accountability, prayer and dessert.
For more information or to get current meeting dates, please contact David Truesdell at the church office or by email at David@vacavillefaith.org.
20-somethings Ministry
If you are in your 20s and are looking for fellowship with others in the same season of life, we invite you to join us for a monthly Dinner at the Kile’s house, where we share a meal, worship, a devotion and a time of fellowship to encourage you in your faith and connect you with other people your age. Contact Jon or Tiffany Kile for more information.