“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent?”
Romans 10:14-15


How To Pray For Our Missionaries

Please pray for:

Their own relationship to God – 2 Peter 3:18
• Pray that he/she will be abiding in Christ and feeding on God’s Word
• Pray for a deep prayer life
• Pray for him/her to be filled with the Holy Spirit; pray that they will not be depending on their own efforts
• Pray for victory over Satan
Their physical and emotional life – 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
• Pray for good health – they live and work in difficult climates, diseases are prevalent
• Pray for safety – travel is often hazardous, whether by air, car or foot
• Pray for deliverance from depression, discouragement, depression, loneliness
• Pray for the missionary’s financial, physical, spiritual and emotional needs to be met
Their family – Ephesians 5:21
• Pray for a strong marriage
• Pray for their children – their educational needs, their safety, health, that they would grow to love the Lord
• Pray for wisdom in parenting
• Pray for the missionary’s family at home, especially needs of elderly parents or children in college or living on their own.
The Gospel Abroad

Southeast Asia

Jeremy & Katie B and family are serving in Southeast Asia with Expository Preaching & Training Academy (EPTA). Their mission is to train church leaders to teach the Bible, generate resources for the church and support outreach efforts.
Click here for more information on ways to partner with them or this ministry through TMAI.
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Silas and family are also serving the Lord in Southeast Asia, teaching, preaching and planting Christ-centered churches.


Tan & Kaarin Molina and family are serving the Lord in Santiago de Compostela, Spain with Exalting Christ Ministries International (ECMI).
Tan is focused on church planting and moved to Santiago de Compostela, a city of more than 200,000 to start the city’s only church featuring faithful expository preaching.
To support the Molina family financially, please click here.


Justin B and family are equipping pastors and serving the church in Manila, Philippines.
To support them in their work, click here.


Kevin French has taken several short-term mission trips to the Rafiki Training Village Malawi, Africa, and FCC continues to support the ministry.
“Rafiki” means friend in Swahili and depicts the purpose of the Foundation—to befriend orphans and widows in their distress (James 1:27). The mission of The Rafiki Foundation is to train Africans to transform Africa for Christ. Chick here to find out more about this opportunity to pray, serve and give to sharing the Gospel through this ministry.


The Adopt a Pastor Ministry (AAP) was created with the purpose of equipping and encouraging ministers of the Word with sound biblical resources.
This program reaches pastors from different Portuguese-speaking countries around the world and seeks to provide them and their churches with tools for training and growth.
To learn more about Fiel Ministries, visit www.fielministries.com.

MENA (Middle East & North Africa)

The A Family is following God’s call to share the gospel with those in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. 
Pray for personal growth, joyfulness in the new location, developing unity with the team, and God’s protection and wisdom in this ministry.