God has extended to us the privilege to come before His holy presence in prayer and petition. In fact, we are commanded to pray as in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which says to pray without ceasing. The prayer team exists to be obedient to that command for prayer and to take advantage of that privilege.
We also want to be a praying church doing everything we can to increase belief, faith, trust, and participation in prayer. God calls every believer to pray to Him with the confidence that He hears our prayers.
When you submit a prayer request, it will be sent to the elders and prayer team. Please remember to update us and renew requests as needed. 

Prayer Team

The core prayer team meets twice a month after Sunday morning services. The focus of this team is to lift up the church elders, deacons, staff, church events and everything related to the church as a whole.

Prayer Groups

There are individual teams that pray for the specific needs of the church members. Those teams include salvation, finances, spiritual/emotional grief, healing/physical needs, our nation, missions, spiritual growth, family and other.

Prayer Events

When a special event is planned, a team is put together by various individuals for that specific event, such as a mission trip or the youth summer camp.