“Therefore, I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
Romans 12:1

Mission Statement

To equip our women through biblical truth, discipleship and fellowship for the purpose of glorifying God through lives committed to Christ.
Our Women’s Ministry is committed to equipping women to develop an intimate, growing relationship with Jesus Christ, to prepare us to make a difference in our homes, church, community and world through Bible studies, fellowship, discipleship, friendships and service. What a privilege it is to come together with like-minded women who want to grow in their knowledge and love for Christ. It is the unique blessing of being part of a church body. The leadership of Women’s Ministry would like to personally invite you to come and participate in the various opportunities that we offer for you to deepen your walk with Christ.
Women’s Bible Study

Current Study


Previous Women’s Studies

Gina Thomas
Tiffany Kile
Tiffany Kile
Ruth Powell
Various Speakers
Tiffany Kile
Tiffany Kile
Ruth Powell
Tiffany Kile
Titus 2
This group meets at the church on the first Monday of each month, September through May, at 7:00pm for fellowship and a biblical message. All women are encouraged to attend. For information on the next Titus 2 meeting, check the calendar of events. Information can also be found in our weekly Sunday bulletin.
Women’s Conferences
A conference is offered each Fall. Contact Tiffany Kile for information about this year’s conference.