
Jon Kile – Pastor/Elder
I was born in Portland, Oregon, and I grew up in nearby Tigard.
I came to know the love and grace of Christ at a young age, and I knew from early on that God was calling me into some sort of full-time ministry.
I went to Bible College at Pacific Christian College in Fullerton, where I met Tiffany. After getting married and graduating, we moved to Johnson City, Tenn., for seminary at Emmanuel School of Religion, where I received my Master of Divinity. I began preaching while at the seminary, as a part-time pastor in a small rural church, and with graduation in 1995, moved into full-time ministry.
In May 2009, I graduated from The Master’s Seminary with a Doctorate of Ministry degree.
I have three wonderful daughters, Katie, Emily and Allison.
My two passions are preaching God’s wonderful Word and evangelism. I love the Lord with my whole heart, and I look forward to serving Him for many years to come at Faith Community Church.

David Truesdell – Elder/Pastor of Ministries
I was born in West Point, N.Y., but I spent my childhood in the Bay Area.
After graduating from college, I married my best friend, Rachel. The Lord has blessed us richly with two children, Joshua and Grace.
My family and I have attended Faith Community Church since it formed. However, it wasn’t until 2005, after teaching in public schools for 13 years, that I felt God call me to make a change. It was then that I took my love for Him and my passion for teaching and became part of the staff as the youth pastor. What a blessing it has been to minister at FCC for the purpose of spreading the Gospel and the edifying of the saints.

Tony Shipp – Elder
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I attended East Los Angeles College, California State University, Long Beach, and later graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a BA degree in Criminal Justice.
In 1973, while attending CSU Long Beach, I was blessed to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ after venturing into a meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ. I was later saved by the grace and mercy of God during one of those meetings.
In 1977, I join the United States Air Force where I served four years on active duty, and four years in the Air Force Reserves. In 1981, I married my wonderful wife, Carolyn, and we are blessed with three wonderful adult children, Chanda, Crystal, and Joshua. God has since added two granddaughters, Maliyah and Dani, and two grandsons, Tyson and Eric, to our blessed family.
After leaving the Air Force in 1981, I was hired as a police officer for the City of Concord in California, where I worked for 3 1/2 years. I later transferred to the city of Fairfield, where I continued working as a police officer. I eventually retired as a lieutenant after serving almost 30 years in law enforcement.
Prior to attending Faith Community Church, I was a deacon for almost 20 years at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Vacaville. In 2006, God called me into the ministry as an Elder/Pastor at Faith Community Church of Vacaville.

Steve Truesdell – Elder
I was born in Ames, Iowa and moved to Santa Monica when I was 12. I attended Santa Monica High School, where I met and subsequently married my wife, Joy, five years later.
I earned a football scholarship to UCLA and received both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees from there. After teaching for three years at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, I spent the next 30 years in the Palo Alto Unified School District as a football coach, and later, as an assistant principal.
It was during these years—July 31, 1971 to be exact—that a colleague took Joy and me to a Billy Graham Crusade in the Oakland Coliseum. That night we gave our hearts to Jesus. Joy and I have three wonderful children: Brad, David and Elizabeth, and seven wonderful grandkids.
I served as principal of The King’s Academy, a Christian school in Sunnyvale, the final seven years of my career. In January 2006, we moved from the Bay Area to Dixon and began attending Faith Community Church. Before God called me into the ministry as an elder/pastor, I served as an Adult Sunday School teacher.

Floyd Thomas – Elder
I was born in Southern California, but I have lived most of my life in the Fairfield and Vacaville area.
I attended the United Methodist Church in Fairfield in my elementary school years, but did not fully appreciate the saving grace of my Lord Jesus Christ until I married Gina in 1989. That was when God revealed to both of us how sinful we were and how much we needed a savior. From that point forward, we have been guided on a journey that helps us to appreciate each day in our Lord’s service.
We have two children, our son, Samuel, and daughter, Sidney.
We have attended Faith Community Church since 2010, and we consider ourselves blessed to be in a family of God-centered believers. We are so thankful to have opportunities to promote international outreach programs that primarily focus on children. I am truly humbled to have the opportunity to serve with others whose hearts’ desires are to be thankful and obedient to our God.

Joe Allio – Elder
I was born and raised in South San Francisco.
At the age of 18, I heard and responded to the truth of the gospel, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone.
I met my wife, Kathleen, my best friend, shortly thereafter and we were married in 1983. We have six wonderful children and three abundantly wonderful grandchildren (praying for more).
I served in law enforcement for 33 years as Kathleen had the more challenging job of serving our children at home as a home school mom, always seeking to be a Proverbs 31 servant of our Lord.
I began teaching the Bible here in Vacaville more than 30 years ago in a children’s church class and have been blessed to continue teaching His word and seeking to shepherd His flock as He directs. It is a blessing to serve here at Faith Community Church.

Jared Matlock – Deacon & Music Ministry Leader
I was born and raised in Pacifica, a small town near San Francisco. My father was a pastor and my mother was a teacher at a Christian school, and I was blessed to be raised in a Christian home.
I graduated from The Master’s College in southern California in 2004 where I studied Computer Science and that is where I met my wonderful wife, Katharine. We are blessed with two boys, Thomas and Benjamin.
We have attended Faith Community Church since we moved to Vacaville in 2007.
We are blessed to be a part of this church, having our kids go through the children’s and youth ministry here, and I love serving in the music ministry and with my fellow deacons.

Dick Powell – Deacon
I was born in Indianapolis, the older of two children. I grew up on several U.S. Air Force bases as my family transferred from one military location to another. We lived on a base in Great Britain for three years.
I came to know the Lord while recovering from alcoholism.
My wife, Ruth, and I have attended Faith Community Church since it began, and feel blessed to be a part of this family.
We consider ourselves refugees from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, having moved to Vacaville from Watsonville (10 miles from the epicenter.) We recently moved to Fairfield.
I spent 45 years in retail and insurance before retiring in 2003.
I’m blessed with a godly wife and a God-centered church, I am humbled at being selected to represent Faith Community Church as one of its deacons. Serving the Lord is a blessing and a joy.

Troy Swauger – Deacon
I grew up in Colorado and came to California in 1987 to work as a journalist.
I met my wife, Robin, at the newspaper and we married in 1992. We now have two incredible children, Jacob and Rachel.
We moved to Vacaville in 1996, and started attending Faith Community Church almost from the beginning.
My conversion to a believer and follower of our Lord and Savior never came with a road to Damascus moment. Instead, the belief grew and strengthened me a little at a time. If I looked back today, I couldn’t point to a defining moment when I came to Christ. Where our road starts doesn’t matter as much as where it ends.
I love this church and I’m humbled to serve as a deacon.

Andrae Rauch – Deacon
I was born in South Dakota, and I’ve lived most of my life in Montana or California.
The Lord saved me in the late 1980s, using the faithful love and discipline of my parents to help me understand my sinfulness and draw me to the Lord by grace through faith and through the work of Jesus Christ. I was baptized a year later to be obedient to God’s Word and publicly proclaim my new life in Christ. The Lord continues His sanctifying work in my life.
In 2005, I married the love of my life, Monica. Two years later, we moved from Montana to Vacaville after accepting a position as a software engineer in automation.
We started attending Faith Community Church in 2008. The Lord has blessed us with two boys, Josiah and Ethan. I am thankful for opportunities to serve the Lord, like teaching children’s Sunday school with my wife and helping with the audio-visual ministry.

Ralph Frontera – Deacon
I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa. I moved to San Diego in 1983 and met my lovely and godly wife, Lynette.
We moved to Vacaville in 1992 to raise a family and we have two wonderful children, Amanda and Timothy.
We live in Dixon and I work at Costco in Vacaville; I’ve been employed with Price Club/Costco for 34 years.
I was raised in the Catholic Church, and when I was a young man, I lived a life of sin. While in San Diego, I attended a non-denominational church. It was at that time that I really experienced God’s love for me and accepted the Lord as my Savior. I began to be transformed into a different person. I am so blessed to be a part of Faith Community Church. My desire is to be obedient to God’s calling to serve with love and sacrifice.

Wallace Aweau – Deacon
I was born and raised in the Fairfield/Vacaville area. I still reside here to this day with my wonderful wife of 20 years, Amber, and our two children, Allison and Noah.
I have worked for the City of Vacaville since 1999, and now serve as the city’s parks maintenance supervisor.
I came to know our Lord as an adult after we had our first child. Not growing up in the faith has allowed me to experience the utter hopelessness that comes from not having a personal relationship with Jesus. Today, with my faith, I know the extraordinary difference it makes in one’s life to be called His child. I am humbled and excited to have the opportunity to serve here at Faith Community Church.

Dan Hiteshew – Deacon
I was born and raised in Vallejo, Calif., by Christian parents and have attended church all of my life.
I came to know the Lord in my early twenties while attending a collage retreat, which is also where I met my wonderful wife, Amanda. I am truly blessed to be married to a Godly woman who is a perfect complement to me. We were married in 2003, and have been blessed with two daughters, Cora and Emma, and our son Charlie.
We moved to Vacaville in the summer of 2017 and made a commitment to Faith Community Church in the beginning of 2018. I currently work for the Contra Costa Water District. I am humbled by being a deacon and enjoy serving our church body.

Bob Bodine – Deacon
I grew up in Anaheim, Calif. I studied Physical Education at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and later earned my teaching credential at California State University, Sacramento.
I came to know the Lord in 1990, but I can look back on all the years of my life and see God’s gracious hand protecting me and ultimately leading me to Christ. I thank Him for His great grace.
I met my wonderful wife at church, and we later worked together in the Sierra mountains. We married in 1997 and the Lord blessed us with three wonderful children.
We have attended Faith Community Church since 2016. We are so grateful for the godly preaching and teaching we receive here. I am humbled and blessed to be able to serve the Lord and His people as a deacon at FCC.

Jeff Erickson – Deacon
I was born in Salinas, Calif., and attended University of California, Davis, where I came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior during my freshman year. It was a job with Clorox that brought me to Vacaville in the early ’80s, and after a career change and move to the Bay Area, I met and married my wife, Joanne, at First Covenant Church in Oakland.
We returned to Vacaville, were blessed with five children, and I worked
in public education as Joanne orchestrated the schooling of our kids. We came to Faith Community Church in the spring of 2014 and faithful teaching of the Bible and a loving church family have kept us here!
It is a blessing and a privilege to serve Christ and His people here at FCC.

Tim Roe – Youth Minister
I was born in Great Lakes, Ill., but grew up on the mission field as my father ministered to the military, first on Guam and then in Monterey.
I accepted Christ at a young age, and have been active in church as long as I can remember. But I didn’t sense God’s call to full-time ministry until I was an interim youth director at Trinity Baptist Church in Vacaville. I continued to work full-time at The Reporter newspaper while I attended Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley. I graduated with a Master’s degree in Theological Studies in 2009.
Before coming to Faith Community Church in July 2014, I was an elder at The Discovery Church, a Southern Baptist work in Vacaville. I was ordained as a deacon in 1995, and was licensed to preach (Southern Baptist Convention) in 2004.
I love sports, but my true passion is being used by God to help Christians of all ages more accurately handle the Bible, God’s Word of truth.
I met my fantastic wife, Angi, while I worked part-time with youth at Trinity Baptist Church. We have two wonderful grown children: Austin and Lauren.
What an awesome blessing it is to be at FCC, and to help the next generation of God’s children catch a vision for His amazing love and plan in their lives.

Mindy Harris – Children’s Director
I grew up here in Vacaville. I came to know Christ as my Savior as a young adult. After recognizing the depth of my sin and knowing I needed a Savior, a dear friend asked, “What’s stopping you?” Not long after, I cried out to my Redeemer and my life was forever changed.
I married the love of my life, Steve, in 2005 and we have two amazing boys. Being a wife and mother is my favorite “job.”
We have been attending FCC for a few years and it has been a great joy to be prompted to dig deep into God’s Word as we grow and live for Him.
Children’s Ministry is exciting because it’s an opportunity to direct kids to the gospel and the redeeming love of Christ. I love that our younger generations have a place here, where they are loved and have opportunities to learn the truth of His Word.

Gina Thomas – Office Supervisor
Floyd and I met when we were 16, were married in 1989 and have lived most of those years in Vacaville. We accepted Jesus as our savior shortly after we married and were baptized together.
We have a son and daughter, who are both married, and two granddaughters.
Floyd and I love to travel. We try to show the love of Christ in the way that we live our lives and we are passionate about helping others, especially children, and feel a calling to do mission work in other countries.